Crafting Your Own YouTube: A React JS Journey

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How to host that mern stack project online free

Hey GreatStack I have a problem regarding the E-commerce website tutorial you have uploaded and it has to do with the images being too big and that has made the website look very different to what you shown in the video is there any way of fixing this thanks

Sir please make project with redux-tool kit

Please bring Some videos on Typescript too I am finding it difficult to implement it with react

Thank you brother for this exceptional work. Can you make a video on the deployment of a website?

I think you need to add functionality to the search bar too, seems pretty straight forward, but you may have missed on it

I just completed this React JS project. Thank you for this Youtube clone. It really helped me a lot. Best Youtube channel to learn and build projects. Keep creating more like this. ❤

1:00:39 play video jsx file import all video1 and like, dislike, dhare , save , jack , user_profile .but it not showing another page video why . anyone please answer to me

please provide a video on how to deploy on vercel

Sir, when i want to add Commentthread API it shows 403 forbidden and says API limit exceeds , how can i fetch the comment api ??

It will great pleasure for us or me
If we get c++ language learning video in your channel.
I hope you will upload a video for learning c language.
Especially i am fully satisfied and great understanding from your video

Are you building a UI clone of YouTube or a Website clone of YouTube?

Hello, my best lecture on you tube that i have ever meet, that is an amazing tutorial. I recommend you make a tutorial on how to host a website online. Thanks for you great effort to share your knowledge with us 👍👍

Why not the api is working??
It is showing some 403 error

Itna kr rhe ho toh code bhi de do😅

c'est plus simple : <img className="menu-icon" onClick={() => setSidebar(prev => !prev)} src={menu_icon} alt="" />Dans cette version, prev est inversé directement en utilisant !prev, ce qui signifie que si prev est true, alors !prev sera false, et vice versa. Cela simplifie la logique de basculement de la barre latérale.

Please start on React js tutorial

Sir It will showing error like 400 which is bad request will you provide any solution for this ❤

Which UI library is being used in this video? BTW thank you for sharing this content.

bro please make an video on ai project that generate title , description and tags for youtube video in react js

Thank you sir always grateful 🙏

please create video on how to use context in react am getting confused

Thanks! I had built 🎉. Can I host this project by using firebase Does it work?. can anyone answer

Hello, thanks for the video. Could you make one also using Nextjs.

on 2:07:01 its showing An error occurred. Please try again later. (Playback ID: ziw6H4VIpDOxX5dr)

Learn More, how can I fix it

1:00:39 play video jsx file import all video1 and like, dislike, dhare , save , jack , user_profile .but it not showing another page video why . how can we solve this problem

Hi can you copy the video player too ? 🙂

Please create one video on JWT authentication in ReactJS or NodeJS in such a way that any beginner can understand and can get a full explanation from scratch to advanced.

You can explain using any project also.

please do make a video on how to deploy this project on vercel

Hey could you please tell me how are you able to see hint(suggestion) in same line when you write any thing in editor or terminal?

Spotify full fledged clone

You are my love 🥺

The live preview isnt working😢😢

you are amazing i remember when you used to make small projects videos now your making clones for big apps this 10x more amazing keep posting we want series for big apps like this long videos

how can i add search functionality of youtube when we search something in response youtube send data

Why use normal css instead of module css ?
Should I try to do this using module css ?

hi, just a suggestion, i think it's better if you also include the browser in your screen beside your editor while you code so we can see the updates and changes 🙂

Sir plz help mee…. My question is…. When we are using map fanction it show error ..? What am I do?

missing sub button , search and navbar on small screen is not toggle navbar upload video uncomplete just i have little confusion about and on the other hand all the tutorial is superb

This is great but I wish it was in MERN stack

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