Revolutionize Your Edits: Photoshop's Color Magic!

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Finally a way to take all my luts into presets and have them organized in photoshop

Pre save colour grade will be SO USEFUL! Especially for specific projects

Finally Adobe does something thatll actually save me time.

are these presets available in lightroom ?

When I first found your channelā€¦I didnā€™t like your hair,ā€¦it freaked me out a little. But then I listened to you explain things as well as you doā€¦.and now Iā€™m a subscriber šŸ˜€

What ram run new Photoshop? My computer is 6gbšŸ˜¢

Looking forward to trying this one out. Thanks as always PIX!

There is a way to incorporate masks & gradients. Create your preset without masking or gradients. Then create an action that first applies your preset & then do the masking, adding of gradient/s etc.

Quando irĆ” fazer um curso em PortuguĆŖs?

You had mentioned that there would be something at the end of the video for us and I was expecting probably some presets. Are those available?

frustating that if your adjustment Layers are named the name does not carry forward. Also not all aspects are kept. Say you have a levels adjustment layer and in advanced Blending you turn off MYK, that does not hold inside a group. Also does not keep your Groups in Groups to help with orgainization

First rate as always! Thank you Unmesh!

Can you explain all layer styles pls..

same as color look up

Very Nice Sir Sir" IM HanzalašŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

As always, very very helpful. Thanks so much for taking the time to create these videos and keeping us up to date šŸ™‚

I dont have the presets bit in my adjustments panel ?

Wow, a preset panel that took Adobe only 25 years to implement. Amazing.

Thanks Professor! šŸ™‚

…this is just another way to use actions.

You are too good for the Photoshop world. Keep on trucking dude.

Can you do this with color profiles? Like icc profiles?

Thank you. Amazing new feature Just bought the Color Matchplugin with the 30% discount. As usual your photoshop content is amazing

He's back again with more Photoshop wisdom looking like an absolute Chad

Retouch for me is not working in my photoshop what can l do to install the filters in my photoshop i need video or something clear answer

Iā€™m not seeing it on mine šŸ¤”

could you show us how to edit videos like you we would love to learn what transitions u use what kind of things you are using in premier pro so plz create a video on this as well

OMG I can't stand the ads before the video. YouTube has gone nuts with ads and you can't even skip them anymore. It's killing my enjoyment of your videos Unmesh.

Thank you so much

It would be nice if it could save masks where the subject has been masked. When doing hundreds of photos on a blank background with one subject it gets very tedious having to make masks and inverting them and so on when this could all be done with AI detection.

Do the rest of us think running two programs for every photo is dumb? Why is there not an answer to combining Lightroom and Photoshop into one program. I don't want to hear the lame argument of one being for RAW and the other for JPEGs. I should be able to fully edit my RAW files (skin retouching/liquify/dodge,burn/ cull/organize/mass process,etc..)) in one program….It's dumb

My anti-virus sees that program as a virus and quarantines it.

The free version of the Retouch4me doesn't allow to export. I personally think that built-in Photoshop Neural Filter Color Transfer does pretty much the same job.

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