Unlock Time Mastery: 10 Notion Calendar Hacks

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Amazing, just bought ultimate brain, hard to start and transfer all I have to there, but its starting to pay off and long term its 10000% worth it.

I use notion calendar more than its app. Its so flexible and great app

Thank you for addressing linking Notes & Tasks with calendar. Isn't the most elegant solution on the notes but, this still helps organizing meeting notes without much manual work. Seriously hoping Notion takes your suggestions to heart and makes the improvements.

Thanks for this video! I recently switched to Thunderbird for my work email and was really struggling with its calendar app. I really like the ability to drag stuff from the all day to the timeline and have it add the times on the task automatically.

I found hitting "Open in Calendar View" on a linked database allows it to show up in Notion Calendar without needing to create a calendar database view

Can we hire you for a consultation?

15:10 You can also just hit the two facing up and down arrows at the top left to collapse the All Day Events Section. Not a keyboard shortcut, but still faster than using the search 🙂

Android users are very sad these days.

Great video! Love the tips and tricks that go along with using Notion Calendar. I am running into an issue where I have the calendar attached to my Tasks database. It is great that the tasks show up in the Calendar without issue. However, when I mark the task as being "complete", it disappears from the Calendar. Any thoughts on how to keep the "completed" tasks on the Calendar for reference?

Thank you for this, you first video was very helpful and this just gets better. I live on notion calendar all day. Game changer

I've been using Notion Calendar on mobile sometimes. Planning my days when remote. My tasks are scheduled as "all day" events when I create them. It is fine on a computer, but mobile version doesn't allow you to tap and drag events to the time slot you want them scheduled for. Please update the mobile app for this!

I really like all of your videos, but I struggled a bit understanding some of these tips that refer to Command L and stuff like that. I think these are Apple Shortcut keys maybe. I will try and research what the PC shortcuts are to better understand Notion Calendar better. Thanks for amazing content as always.

Thanks for the tips Thomas! I’ve found that you can also change the default calendar by simply left clicking the color square next to the name instead of having to right click and select the option in the drop down menu. Way faster🙌

Does anyone know when the android app for Notion Calendar will be released?

12:24 on this note it would be cool if you could set multiple time frames and switch between them with individual hot keys (maybe just the number row). Having a hot key for mon-fri work hours and another for a 2 week pay period for example could be useful!

Strange, why does it work gor me with linked databases as well? I have only table views on the databases themselves and it works anyways.
Maybe because I put all my databases as inline into an accessible page?

Edit 1 week later: Now it does not work anymore – maybe it was just a glitch in the matrix…

I don’t normally comment on videos but I had to say thank you! These are really excellent tips! More videos like this please 👏🏻

Thank you for both of these! Looking forward to that Pokemon video, yes please

11:45 cool to mention that you can also press a number (1,2,3,4,5… up to 9) to show that number of days in the calendar UI

ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: I'm now doctor strange, controlling space and time 🤯🧙🏽‍♂

Great tips, but I am honestly still waiting for that thing to come to Android before I jump onto it.

Does anyone know how he has his GL Meeting repeat??

Great update to the original video!

The reasons time zones don't show in month view is because it wouldn't really make sense (all-day events are time zone agnostic and for events with times it only makes sense to display them in the primary time zone in the month view) — hope that makes sense!

Any video on how to use this calendar with ultimate brain dates already in projects? Or are they already working and I am missing something ? I have a bunch of due dates in UB tasks and pages and not showing in notion calendar 😢

How do you an a blocked time that's on your database to your calendar so that people know you are busy at that time?

Thank you, very helpful video. ♥️

Do you have a Video for automatically making recurring Events? That would be intereseting!

Thanks for the new inputs.

Is it possible to integrate this with outlook calendar?

Great video!
Too bad Notion decided to use region-spiecific keyboard shortcuts. I'm using a UK keyboard and am not sure how to do that "back tick" shortcut for making the left calendar sidebar disappear.

YESSSSSS! The first tip is juuuust the right thing I was looking for. Now I can keep the simplicity of tags (like "06:3014:30"), but at the same time show it as an event on my calendar with the help of formula. Brilliant! Thanks Thomas, I knew I could find the answer from you!

Would I be able to use this calendar as an appointment booking calendar internally? Do you know if there is a better fit if I'd like to have an appointment booking system that is order generated? I'd like to have that in my notion

Thank you <3 thanks to your videos I am always able to step up my Notion Game 🙂

If you are adding the calendar view in your Tasks master database in order to display tasks in Notion Calendar, you should add a filter for it to show only those tasks that are not in the completed group. That way, when you complete them in Notion, they will disappear from your calendar since they are done. 🙂

Is there a way to integrate the calendar into the Home page of my actual Notion?

You're just my favorite Notion resource! Thanks so much for being a master teacher and for having great speaking skills (which is sooooo underrated). Sometimes I can only take so many uhms, erms, and stammers before I just can't take it. Cheers mate! 🥳

Morgen's Notion integration far exceeds what this "house" product can do. It's underwhelming and tragic…

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